Sunday, May 20, 2007

Analysis Of Nutrex Lipo 6 - Fat Loss Supplement

Product Name: Lipo 6Manufacturer: Nutrex Research (US) RRP: 39.99 Recommended Dosage: 2-3 Capsules, twice a day (Fat Loss) Container Size: 120 Capsules Number of Servings per Container: 40-60 Cost for 4 Weeks of Use**: 37.32 to 55.99 Manufacturers Principal Claims: "LIPO-6 by Nutrex is the first and only fat-burner thatutilizes maximum strength liquid capsules for superiorabsorption and unprecedented results" Product Description: Nutrex Lipo 6 is a thermogenic fat loss supplement, thyroidstimulator and energy supplement. The supplement is in capsuleform, with the ingredients delivered in liquid form. Ingredient Profile: Synephrine HCL 20mg: Synephrine is a drug used primarily fatloss, although the effectiveness is debated it is very popularand has been used as an alternative to ephedrine (a substancewith a history of controversy). Synephrine is derived primarilyfrom the fruit of a small citrus tree. Synthetic 99% Guggulsterones Z&E 1:1 20mg: HerbalGuggulsterones are formed from the extract from a tree,traditionally Grown in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Guggulis the tree which produces a resinous sap, this has been usedfor hundreds of years in traditional Indian medicine. In Modernmedicine this sap is standardised for the active components Zand E guggulsterones. Guggulsterones have been shown tostimulate the thyroid gland, converting T4 into T3. TheGuggulsterones included in Lipo 6 are synthetic, this shouldallow for greater purity and a more accurate dosage. Yohimbe HCL 3mg: Yohimbine is a selective competitivealpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist. In many countries it isa prescription drug and has a variety of uses for treatment oferectile dysfunction, weight loss, treatment of low bloodpressure and to dilate the pupil of the eye. It is also claimedto be an aphrodisiac. It is used in weight loss supplements asit increases noradrenaline (norepinephrine) levels, one of thebody's lipolytic (meaning to disintegrate fat) hormones. Caffeine Anhydrous USP 200mg: Caffeine acts as a stimulant andthermogenic in humans, and is commonly taken to boost energy ormental concentration. It will stimulate the central nervoussystem and the metabolism. Once metabolised caffeine canincrease lipolysis in the body. Caffeine may also increase theeffectiveness of other substances such as ephedrine or Yohimbe,and was incredibly popular in the commonly used ECA stack(ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin). Bioperine 5mg: Derived from the fruit of the piper nigrum plant(black pepper) or piper longum (long pepper). It is believed tohave thermogenic properties. Supplementation of piperidineenhances the bioavailability of various nutrients, includingbeta-carotene, curcumin, selenium, pyridoxine and coenzyme Q10. Product Uses: Fat Loss (Cutting), Energy Enhancement Manufacturers Warnings: Not for use by pregnant or nursing women. Seek the advice of ahealth care professional if your have any medical condition.Reduce or discontinue use if your experience tremors,nervousness, sleeplessness, headache or heart palpitations. Potential Side Effects: (Please Note this list may not be exhaustive) Increased HeartRate, Sweating, Nervousness, Tremor, Irritability, headache,dizziness and flushing, Peptic Ulcers, Erosive Esophagitis,Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, sleeplessness, dizziness,blurred vision, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased urination,loss of appetite, nausea and stomachaches At Manufacturers' recommended dosage Based on RRPAbout The Author: Please click to Buy or Read More about

Monday, May 7, 2007

Exercise For The Diabetic

Along with medical nutritional therapy and insulin, exercise isthe third component to successfully treating diabetes. Exercise,like insulin, lowers blood glucose levels, assists inmaintaining normal lipid levels, and increases circulation. Formost individuals, consistent and individualized exercise helpsreduce the therapeutic dose of insulin. Diabetics should be forewarned that they should never performexercise during the time that their insulin level is at itspeak. The ideal time for a diabetic to exercise is when theirblood glucose level is between 100 to 200 mg/dl or about thirtyto sixty minutes after meals. They should also avoid exercisingwhen their blood glucose is above 250 mg/dl and ketones arepresent in the urine. There are metabolic effects that occur with exercise that type1 and type 2 diabetics should be aware of. In the case of type1 diabetes, glucose control can be compromised if properadjustments are not made in food intake or insulinadministration. People with type 2 diabetes who take oralhypoglycemic medications may be at risk of post-exercisehypoglycemia. Here are some general guidelines that may assist in regulatingthe glycemic response to exercise in persons with type 1diabetes. . Metabolic control before exercise: Avoid exercise if fastingglucose levels are greater than 250 mg/dl and ketosis ispresent. Eat added carbohydrates if glucose levels are lessthan 100 mg/dl. . Blood glucose monitoring before and after exercise: identifywhen changes in insulin of food intake are necessary. Learn theblood glucose response to different exercise conditions. . Food intake: Consume added carbohydrates as needed to avoidhypoglycemia. Carbohydrate-based foods should be readilyavailable during and after exercise. People with type 1 diabetes who do not have complications andare in good blood glucose control can perform all levels ofexercise, including leisure activities, recreational sports,and competitive sports. To do this safely, the diabetic mustposses the ability to collect self monitored blood glucose datawhile exercising and use this data to adjust their insulin andnutritional therapy. Exercise can increase the risk for hypoglycemia in people withtype 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia during exercise of forty minutesor less is rare. Onset of hypoglycemia is more likely to occurafter exercise, often four to ten hours after. Blood glucoselevels should be monitored at one to two hour intervals afterexercise to assess response to the exercise and allow foradjustments in insulin and food intake.About The Author: To read more about diabetic exercise programsbe sure to visit the website Diabetic Diet Plans at