Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pain Killer Addiction - Don't Be Overwhelmed - Get Help Now
There are many side effects and adverse reactions that can occur with the use ofopioids as pain killers. Patients can innocently start taking pain killers aftera moderate injury or because of a severe injury in an automobile accident, fallor for post surgical pain. More than 10% of high school seniors have startedtaking Vicodin for reasons other than reducing pain.If you are addicted to pain killers or other drugs or think you may be, you canstart working to increase the body's endorphin production naturally; some waysare laughing, touching, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, walking, anythingthat makes you feel good that's natural. More than 415,000 people receivedtreatment for pain killer abuse or addiction this past year. Treatment optionsfor pain killer addiction include: medications, such as methadone and LAAM(levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol), and behavioral counseling; usually, the patient ismedically detoxified before any treatment approach is begun.Addiction is both a biological and psychological condition. 2.2 million peopleaged 12 and up first abused painkillers within the past year; this is more thanthe number of people who started using marijuana and has overtaken the use ofcocaine. Less common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are:confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hives, itching, hypothermia, bradycardia(slow heart rate), tachycardia (rapid heart rate), raised intracranial pressure,ureteric or biliary spasm, muscle rigidity and flushing.When you're addicted physically to a drug, like pain killers or alcohol, etc.,it's because you've suppressed or shut down your body's production ofendorphins, which are natural opiate pain killers; when this happens you startcraving the drug that you replaced the endorphins with whether it's alcohol, anyof a number of drugs or pain killers. Pain killer addiction includes: opiatedependency, opiate addiction, narcotic dependency, narcotic addiction, and painkiller dependency or painkiller dependency. Chronic pain affects one out ofthree or four adults; millions of people suffer from severe disabling pain.Physical dependence on a drug suggests that sudden stopping of the drug mayresult in negative consequences. Opioids used as the doctor has prescribed aresupposedly not dangerous according to some well-established medical groups; butif this is the case, why are so many people addicted to them? If you think youare addicted and want to get off pain killers or other drugs, it's best to getdetoxified as fast as you can and then go through some type of rehabilitation;it's important to have others to lean on and learn from and offer support toyou.Taking the time to spend in a treatment center, detoxing, is of the utmostpriority. If you don't have insurance, check with your local mental healthagencies to see what is available that's free. It's important to get help andnot to try getting off pain killers on your own.All other demands of children, a job, school, or any other responsibilities maymake inpatient treatment seem like an intrusion but it's not. If you can't do anin-patient rehab, find out how you can do outpatient rehab and pay for it underyour insurance plan; check your insurance policy to see if it's covered. It'simportant to go through rehab following your detox stay: make it a part of yourplan of action.Knowing some of these facts and understanding endorphin production will help getyou on the road to pain killer addiction recovery fast; start working on ittoday and hopefully you'll notice changes tomorrow. The many problems that areassociated with pain killer addiction and abuse have experts, doctors andauthorities searching for solutions. Experts say that only a small segment ofpatients with a medical need for using narcotic pain medications ever becomeaddicted.For more information on pain killer addiction symptoms and pain killertreatments go to http://www.Pain-Killer-Addiction.info specializing in painkiller addiction with nurse's tips, help, quiz, blog and resources includinginformation on pain killer treatment centers and natural addiction treatment
Monday, June 25, 2007
Knowledge Is Key In Successful Lasik Eye Surgery
If you're considering lasik eye surgery, you're not alone. Each year, thousands of people trade in their glasses and contacts for this procedure that can effectively eliminate the need for them. But, going into eye surgery without understanding what will be expected of you before, during and after the procedure isn't smart.Lasik surgery is a pretty easy procedure, but it is still surgery nonetheless. You will need some assistance and you will need some time for recovery.The key to successful surgery is not only your doctor's abilities, but also your willingness to follow procedure before and after the operation. Following doctor's orders can be a little difficult, but the pay off can be big.Here are the basic things to expect and/or do before and after lasik eye surgery:Before: You will not be allowed to wear contact lenses before evaluations and the surgery. Can you live without these for a while in hopes of being able to live without them for good? You will not be allowed to drive after screening procedures. Can you make arrangements? Do you understand the procedure? Make sure you ask your doctors questions, understand the ramifications and the chances for success. If you're not comfortable, talk with your doctor before you do the procedure. Remember, recovery is fast, but you will still have a few days you can count on being down. Can you arrange to take a few days off? If you wear makeup, plan on taking a day off in advance or perhaps two. You will not be allowed to wear it for at least 24 hours beforehand to help prevent infection. Have you met with your doctor to go over any last-minute questions? Are you comfortable?After: Expect to not be able to see well for several days. You need to make arrangements for assistance where it's needed. Chances are you'll be back on your feet in no time, but little tasks that require sharp vision might be difficult to perform. Be ready to have to wear an eye shield to protect your eyes after having lasik eye surgery. It doesn't look pretty, but it's important to ensure you avoid injury right after the procedure. Do expect some pain and discomfort. The procedure for lasik eye surgery is almost pain free, but remember the word "almost" is in there. Lasik eye surgery will require you to take some medications and eye drops after the operation is done. If you can't put eye drops in yourself, make arrangements to have someone help you after the surgery.The procedure involved in eye surgery is pretty straight-forward, but the more knowledge you arm yourself with in advance the better. The surgery isn't a 100-percent guarantee that you'll have perfect vision, but it does have a good track record of helping people have much better sight. The key to success, however, is not only your doctor's skill, but also your ability to follow instructions before and after the procedure.For more information on Lasik Eye Surgery, Visit:http://www.lasiksurgeryhelp.com
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Proper Diet And Nutrition Maintains Women's Good Health
One of the most important parts of a woman's ability tomaintain good health is proper diet and nutrition. Researcherscontinue to find growing evidence of the link between healthyeating and a variety of positive health outcomes which include:Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease Cancer Osteoporosis If you are a woman looking to improve your diet you should eatfoods rich in fiber, folate, unsaturated fats and calcium.Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains and reduce intake ofsugar, salt, cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats. As you age, your nutritional needs may change and vary. Consultwith your personal physician or other healthcare professional toensure your diet is providing the proper nourishment requiredfor good health. How do fiber, fat, folate, antioxidants, calcium, Vitamin D,iron, protein, alcohol and caffeine actually affect a woman'shealth? Fiber: The many benefits of high fiber intake include: 1.Substantially reducing the risk of coronary heart disease andstroke; 2.Cereal fiber has been shown in particular to reduce the riskof heart attack; 3.Diets high in fiber protect against diabetes; 4.Diets high in soluble fiber found in vegetables, fruits andlegumes can help diabetic individuals control their glucose(blood sugar level); 5.Lower cholesterol levels; 6.Improved bowel function; 7.Research also suggests that diets high in vegetable and fruitfiber may help prevent colon and rectal cancer. Fat: It is important to reduce intake of foods high in certaintypes of fat and cholesterol to help decrease the risk ofcoronary heart disease. Of most importance is to reduce thesaturated fats and trans fats rather than concentrating onreducing the total amount of "fat" intake. Avoid consuming toomany low-fat foods that are high in carbohydrates. Too manycarbohydrates can lower the so-called "good" cholesterol thatprotects against heart disease. Folate: Is a type of B vitamin important to the production ofred blood cells that can help reduce the risk of coronary heartdisease and colon cancer. Folate supplements are recommended forwomen of child-bearing age usually in the form of multivitaminsto help prevent a group of birth defects known as neural tubedefects. These defects include spina bifida and anencephaly(failure of the brain to form). Natural sources of folate include: Certain breakfast cereals Orange juice Peas Peanuts Beans Leafy green vegetables Antioxidants: Certain fruits and vegetables, Vitamins A, C, Eand beta carotene contain antioxidant properties. There aresome studies that indicate antioxidants help prevent cancer andcardiovascular disease. The evidence to support these claimsremains mixed. Calcium: An adequate amount of daily calcium can help preventosteoporosis. Osteoporosis particularly affects many womenafter menopause. It can lead to bone fractures. Calcium mayalso protect against colon cancer and may aid weight loss inobese women. If you are a woman who feels you need more calciumin your diet or you are just not sure how much is adequate foryou, check with your physician about taking supplements. Good sources of calcium include: Milk Yogurt Cheese Canned fish with soft bones such as sardines, anchovies andsalmon Leafy green vegetables Calcium-fortified orange juice Vitamin D: It is important to consume adequate amounts ofVitamin D to aid calcium absorption and bone formation. A lackof vitamin D can lead to softening of the bones. Good sources of vitamin D include: Egg yolks Herring Sardines Tuna Salmon Fortified milk Iron: A deficiency of iron can cause fatigue, decreasedimmunity and a type of anemia called iron-deficiency anemia.Iron is especially important to girls and women of childbearingage. Iron should be taken in moderation. Studies show highlevels of iron can lead to heart disease in postmenopausalwomen. Good sources of iron include: Liver Kidneys Red meat Poultry Eggs Peas Legumes Dried fruits Leafy vegetables Protein: Women should get 10 to 35 percent of daily caloriesfrom protein to help prevent muscle tissue from breaking downand help repair tissue that has been damaged. Good sources of protein include: Fish Poultry Eggs Milk Cheese Dried beans and peas Peanut butter Nuts Bread Cereal Alcohol: Many experts agree the health risks of moderateconsumption of alcohol outweigh the potential benefits ofreducing the risk of cardiovascular disease shown in somestudies. Pregnant and nursing women should not drink alcohol in any formas it can cause harm to their offspring. The many adverse health consequences of alcohol consumptioninclude: Increased risk of cancers of the breast, mouth, esophagus,throat, larynx and liver Alcohol consumed during pregnancy can cause birth defectsincluding fetal alcohol syndrome Cirrhosis of the liver May increase the frequency and severity of hot flashes duringmenopause Caffeine: Is a stimulant and diuretic found in coffee, tea,soft drinks, chocolate and some over-the-counter drugs. Areduction of caffeine is often recommended during pregnancy. Itmay affect the heart rate and blood pressure, contribute todehydration and have other possible side effects. Numerous health problems can be the result of poor nutrition aswell as obesity, which causes additional health problems. Bycontrast, are women with eating disorders such as anorexianervosa or bulimia nervosa. Women who are underweight mayexperience irregular menstrual cycles, a stopping ofmenstruation called amenorrhea, which can lead to dentalproblems and osteoporosis and a shortened lifespan. Source: Science Daily Healthology Disclaimer: *This article is not meant to diagnose, treat orcure any kind of a health problem. These statements have notbeen evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Alwaysconsult with your health care provider about any kind of ahealth problem and especially before beginning any kind of anexercise routine. This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. Articlewritten 4-2007.About The Author: Connie Limon, Trilogy Field Representative.Visit http://nutritionandhealthhub.com and sign up for a weeklynutrition and health tip. The article collection is available asFREE reprints for your newsletters, websites or blog. Visithttp://www.healthylife27.com to purchase an array of superiorquality, safe and effective products inspired by nature,informed by science and created to improve the health ofpeople, pets and the planet.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Analysis Of Nutrex Lipo 6 - Fat Loss Supplement
Product Name: Lipo 6Manufacturer: Nutrex Research (US) RRP: 39.99 Recommended Dosage: 2-3 Capsules, twice a day (Fat Loss) Container Size: 120 Capsules Number of Servings per Container: 40-60 Cost for 4 Weeks of Use**: 37.32 to 55.99 Manufacturers Principal Claims: "LIPO-6 by Nutrex is the first and only fat-burner thatutilizes maximum strength liquid capsules for superiorabsorption and unprecedented results" Product Description: Nutrex Lipo 6 is a thermogenic fat loss supplement, thyroidstimulator and energy supplement. The supplement is in capsuleform, with the ingredients delivered in liquid form. Ingredient Profile: Synephrine HCL 20mg: Synephrine is a drug used primarily fatloss, although the effectiveness is debated it is very popularand has been used as an alternative to ephedrine (a substancewith a history of controversy). Synephrine is derived primarilyfrom the fruit of a small citrus tree. Synthetic 99% Guggulsterones Z&E 1:1 20mg: HerbalGuggulsterones are formed from the extract from a tree,traditionally Grown in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Guggulis the tree which produces a resinous sap, this has been usedfor hundreds of years in traditional Indian medicine. In Modernmedicine this sap is standardised for the active components Zand E guggulsterones. Guggulsterones have been shown tostimulate the thyroid gland, converting T4 into T3. TheGuggulsterones included in Lipo 6 are synthetic, this shouldallow for greater purity and a more accurate dosage. Yohimbe HCL 3mg: Yohimbine is a selective competitivealpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist. In many countries it isa prescription drug and has a variety of uses for treatment oferectile dysfunction, weight loss, treatment of low bloodpressure and to dilate the pupil of the eye. It is also claimedto be an aphrodisiac. It is used in weight loss supplements asit increases noradrenaline (norepinephrine) levels, one of thebody's lipolytic (meaning to disintegrate fat) hormones. Caffeine Anhydrous USP 200mg: Caffeine acts as a stimulant andthermogenic in humans, and is commonly taken to boost energy ormental concentration. It will stimulate the central nervoussystem and the metabolism. Once metabolised caffeine canincrease lipolysis in the body. Caffeine may also increase theeffectiveness of other substances such as ephedrine or Yohimbe,and was incredibly popular in the commonly used ECA stack(ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin). Bioperine 5mg: Derived from the fruit of the piper nigrum plant(black pepper) or piper longum (long pepper). It is believed tohave thermogenic properties. Supplementation of piperidineenhances the bioavailability of various nutrients, includingbeta-carotene, curcumin, selenium, pyridoxine and coenzyme Q10. Product Uses: Fat Loss (Cutting), Energy Enhancement Manufacturers Warnings: Not for use by pregnant or nursing women. Seek the advice of ahealth care professional if your have any medical condition.Reduce or discontinue use if your experience tremors,nervousness, sleeplessness, headache or heart palpitations. Potential Side Effects: (Please Note this list may not be exhaustive) Increased HeartRate, Sweating, Nervousness, Tremor, Irritability, headache,dizziness and flushing, Peptic Ulcers, Erosive Esophagitis,Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, sleeplessness, dizziness,blurred vision, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased urination,loss of appetite, nausea and stomachaches At Manufacturers' recommended dosage Based on RRPAbout The Author: Please click to Buy or Read More abouthttp://www.thesupplementsite.co.uk/Nutrex/lipo_6.htm
Monday, May 7, 2007
Exercise For The Diabetic
Along with medical nutritional therapy and insulin, exercise isthe third component to successfully treating diabetes. Exercise,like insulin, lowers blood glucose levels, assists inmaintaining normal lipid levels, and increases circulation. Formost individuals, consistent and individualized exercise helpsreduce the therapeutic dose of insulin. Diabetics should be forewarned that they should never performexercise during the time that their insulin level is at itspeak. The ideal time for a diabetic to exercise is when theirblood glucose level is between 100 to 200 mg/dl or about thirtyto sixty minutes after meals. They should also avoid exercisingwhen their blood glucose is above 250 mg/dl and ketones arepresent in the urine. There are metabolic effects that occur with exercise that type1 and type 2 diabetics should be aware of. In the case of type1 diabetes, glucose control can be compromised if properadjustments are not made in food intake or insulinadministration. People with type 2 diabetes who take oralhypoglycemic medications may be at risk of post-exercisehypoglycemia. Here are some general guidelines that may assist in regulatingthe glycemic response to exercise in persons with type 1diabetes. . Metabolic control before exercise: Avoid exercise if fastingglucose levels are greater than 250 mg/dl and ketosis ispresent. Eat added carbohydrates if glucose levels are lessthan 100 mg/dl. . Blood glucose monitoring before and after exercise: identifywhen changes in insulin of food intake are necessary. Learn theblood glucose response to different exercise conditions. . Food intake: Consume added carbohydrates as needed to avoidhypoglycemia. Carbohydrate-based foods should be readilyavailable during and after exercise. People with type 1 diabetes who do not have complications andare in good blood glucose control can perform all levels ofexercise, including leisure activities, recreational sports,and competitive sports. To do this safely, the diabetic mustposses the ability to collect self monitored blood glucose datawhile exercising and use this data to adjust their insulin andnutritional therapy. Exercise can increase the risk for hypoglycemia in people withtype 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia during exercise of forty minutesor less is rare. Onset of hypoglycemia is more likely to occurafter exercise, often four to ten hours after. Blood glucoselevels should be monitored at one to two hour intervals afterexercise to assess response to the exercise and allow foradjustments in insulin and food intake.About The Author: To read more about diabetic exercise programsbe sure to visit the website Diabetic Diet Plans athttp://diabetic-diet-plan.health-choices-net.com/diabetic-exercise-program.html
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Choosing A Lasik Surgeon
You're tired of bad eyesight. You've decided to have Lasik.What's next? After you've decided to undergo Lasik correctiveeye surgery, you'll need to think about finding a reputableLasik surgeon. There are several ways to go about locating andchoosing the best Lasik surgeon for you.The first place to look when choosing your Lasik surgeon is theLasik website, at http://www.lasikinstitute.org. When you visitthe Lasik website you will find tools that make it easy tolocate Lasik surgeons in your area. Lasik makes this search aseasy for you as possible by providing the list of surgeons anddoing the research for you. Once you've located a list of thedoctors in your area, it's time to narrow down your search. Ifyou live in an area where there are no Lasik doctors available,you need to decide if this procedure is worth traveling toanother city. Lasik, with all of its great benefits, may proveworth that effort. Keep in mind, however, that some people dosuffer more pain, or interpret pain differently, than others.So you may not feel like travelling for several days aftersurgery. In that case, a clinic in your own town or city wouldbe best for you.Once you have narrowed down your list of Lasik surgeons, youneed to look for one simple characteristic -- experience.Experience is the most important deciding factor to considerwhen choosing your Lasik surgeon. With plenty of experience andthe proper technology at their disposal, a good surgeon developsa reputation fairly quickly. You will be able to choose theperfect Lasik surgeon for you by talking to former patients,reading opinions on web sites, and asking friends and coworkersfor the "word on the street."There are thousands of surgeons in the world today that arequalified to perform Lasik eye surgeries. You will have notrouble finding the best Lasik surgeon for you when you use asearch engine on the Internet or visit the Lasik website listedabove.About The Author: Barbara Smith contributes to several Internetmagazines, such as http://bazol.com and http://mifot.com
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Protein Bars
So youre strolling down the aisle in your local grocery storeand this cute, athletic looking brunette with ice blue eyespasses you by. You get the old eye lock but no smile. Hmmm,of course you turn around to see the backside but shes alreadyout of sight. So you fast walk your way to the next aisle andspot her at the other end looking at something. So you walk upand pretend youre looking for something around the same spotshe is. You notice that shes looking at all these ProteinBars. You think to yourself, Why the hell do people eat thatcardboard tasting crap! Just then, she turns to you and says,Looks like you dont need any of these, I think your Snickers,Twix and 100 Grand bars will keep you busy. Busted! Damn.Youre speechless, and hungry.So why HAVE the protein bars become so popular? Sit down andgrab a cup of Joe, cause youre about to be introduced to thenew and improved candy bar.Protein bars started out as a bit of an accident with the PowerBar concept. At first they were just a bunch of carbohydratesfor people who needed extra energy on the go. I know whatyoure thinking..who needs EXTRA calories? Yea, well, somefolks who dont spend their time behind a desk or computer allthe time spend MORE calories than they can eat! So, for theseguys, the Power Bar was invented. But nobody paid too muchattention to what they tasted like.so they tasted like crapbasically.Fast forward a few years and youll find tons of differentprotein bars and drinks, energy bars and drinks on the shelvesof everywhere from 7-11 to the grocery store. Now, a lot ofthese bars have serious problems with them. They either tastelike complete crap, have WAY too many calories, or arebasically a candy bar with a protein or energy label. Sohow do you figure out which ones are good?? And better yet, whythe hell do you care?First, you care because they are a fantastic source of proteinthat can be placed and kept ANYWHERE. The car, office, boat,back pocket.anywhere you can think of, you can keep one. Themore places you can stash these, the less times you will beOVER-STARVED and the less likely you will be to devour anentire large pizza and a 64 ounce Dr. Pepper! So, if you aretrying to stick to a healthy, regulated diet, these babies arefantastic. Secondly, protein satisfies our hunger much longerthan carbohydrates (especially simple carbohydrates) do. So,the trick is to find a protein bar that you like to eat, alongwith a good composition of protein, carbohydrates and calories.A good rule of thumb is to get a bar that has 15-20 grams ofprotein for every 125-175 calories. That means, youll begetting about 40 grams of protein for a bit over 300 calorie.If you keep this ratio, youll be able to stick to your 5small meals a day program much easier.So which ones taste good?? Well, so far, Chef Jay and companyhave been putting out some protein bars that arent half bad. Ialso love the Detour bars. A very popular protein bar rightnow is the Promax Bar. Of course taste is all relative toeach person, but I can tell you that anything that says LowCarb on it, probably has Sugar Alcohol as an ingredient, andtastes like crap. Other than that, get out there and try some!About The Author: Dr. Parker is a surgical resident who has aninterest in preventative health, weight-loss and fitness. Dr.Parker uses the principles of human physiology coupled with ahttp://www.super-fit.com/proteinbars.html to have the body workfor, not against.
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